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How to know who used your PC in your absence.

The following steps are given to know who used your PC in your absence: - 

For Windows XP

  • Go to start > run or by pressing window key along with R
  • Type eventvwr.msc in run
  • You will see three type of log files i.e. Application, Security, and system. These log files can be accessed at any time.
  • For above said purpose, We just have to analyze System log only.
  • Click on System for the list of the events.
  • Find the time and date when you were not at home and your PC should not be ON.
  • Double click on any event to view its details.
So you can know the time for which your PC was ON.

For Windows 7

  • Go to start > run or press window key along with R
  • Type eventvwr.msc and hit enter.
  • Double click on Windows logs
  • Double click on System logs
  • You will see different logs files having different time at which they happened. You can also see the details about any event.
So you can find all the system logs when your PC was ON. And you can find whether your PC was turned on in your absence.

How to Email a URL of a web page only using the browser.

Here is a very simple trick to send a web page link or URL to any email address by using only browser. You don’t have to use any web service. Just type mailto:email address of the receiver   for example: - This will compose a new message in default email settings done on your PC. You can send the URL in the body of the message or the subject of the message

How to bookmark or share a web page directly with browser.

Generally, when somebody is browsing the internet and he notices a very interesting topic or a web page. For bookmarking or sharing of that web page for future reference, He bookmarks or shares that web page by going to the respective social bookmarking or sharing website.

But for the same purpose, there is web service from which you can directly bookmark, share or Email that web page without visiting to the social bookmarking websites. Just type just before the URL of the web page. For example: - then the entire social Social bookmarking websites, sharing and email links will be provided to you.You just have to bookmark that web page with required social bookmarking, sharing or Email service.

So enjoy very easy bookmarking.

How to disable right click on computer or Laptop

Sometimes, You want to disable right click on your computer or laptop so that the settings associated with right click cannot be changed by some unknown person.
For disabling the right click on computer or laptop, the following steps are given: -
  •  Log in to your computer with administrative account.
  •  Click Start or press R alongwith window key.
  • Type regedit in it.
  •  Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER >Software >Microsoft >Windows >CurrentVersion >PoliciesExplorer
  • Right click on right sidebar panel, creat a new DWORD value right clicking and name it   
  • NoViewContextMenu (Case sensitive)
  • Assign number1 in value data box.
  • Now close registry editor.
  • Restart your computer or laptop.
You will notice that the right click has been disabled in your computer or laptop. So enjoy this trick.

How to covert online PDF document into other file formats.

There is absolutely free web service to convert online a PDF file to any other type of file like excel, doc, rtf, ppt etc.  Called Zamzar.
Just you have to website  

Select file or put the URL of the file.
Choose to format of the required file.
Put your Email address.
Your file will be converted.

How to convert online a web page directly into a PDF file.

Hello friends, it is a habit to save a web page as a HTML file and then to convert it to any other file format like PDF etc. But ii is very time consuming process.
Fortunately, there is a free web service called PrimoPDF service at which you can convert any web page to PDF format. Just you have to go to PrimoPDF and put URL of that page. The PDF file generated from that Web page will be emailed to Email address provided by you absolutely free. Also you can download free PDF converter from this web service.

So enjoy this free web service.

How to change Taskbar Button width in Window XP.

            Sometimes when you have opened to many applications on your computer having Window XP, the taskbar becomes very crowded. You have to minimize too many applications. By default the window makes the group of similar applications. To avoid this, you can change the width of each taskbar buttons of opened applications so that the only the icons are shown. In this way, so many applications can be opened at same time and it will be very easy to navigate without making any similar groups. For doings so the following steps are given:-
  •    Go to Start or Press R along with Window key.
  •    Run will be opened.
  •    Write regedit in Run.
  •    Find HKEY _CURRENT_USER\Control Panel

  •     Find REG_SZ having name Min width If you can’t find it, creat new with name Minwidth
  •     Double click on Minwidth  and adjust the number to 56
  •     Click OK
  •     Close the registry.
  •     Restart your computer.

You will see the application icons on taskbar having small with showing only icons.

How to enable hibernation mode in windows XP

Hello friends, generally we are familiar with the Stand-By mode in computer. In stand-by mode, your PC remains ready for use. You can resume last state at any time by just pressing any key or power button. PC restores the information from the RAM very quickly. Also your computer remains power on in this state. 

                           Unfortunately if he power goes out, your all valuable data or last session is lost. To avoid this situation the hibernation mode can be very helpful. Hibernation is a state of computer, when all the content of the RAM is copied to the hard disk. Hibernation state is very useful because it stores the last session of your computer when your computer went in hibernation state. In this state the information about all the opened programs and files is copied from RAM of computer to the hard disk. So you can restore the last session when you power up your computer. This mode is already enabled in most of Window 7 computers.  For enabling hibernation mode in Window XP the following steps are given:-
  1. Firstly to enable the hibernation mode, you should be logged on as administrator or user having            the   administrator rights. Go to Start-Control panel- User accounts to check the type of your user account.
  2.   Next Start.
  3.   Control panel
  4.   Select Performance and Maintenance.
  5.   Select Power option.
  6.  Pick hibernation tab and click on enable hibernation tab.

In this way the hibernation will be appeared in the Shut down, Restart etc. options.If Hibernate still does not appear, it is due to your computer supports the stand by low power shut down option:-

1.       In this case press the turn off computer from start menu.
2.       You will see three options viz. Stand by, Restart, Turn off in new window.
3.       Now keep on pressing Shift key, The stand by options changes to Hibernation menu.

In this you can enable the hibernation mode in your PC. If you like this trick, Please share it with your friends.

How to know email id of any Orkut user.

In some cases, you want to know the email id of the user who is operating the orkut account to communicate with him. By default, the email id used to operate the orkut account is not displayed in the orkut account of the user.
Here is a very simple and interesting trick to know the email id used to login to orkut account.

1. Login to your orkut account.
2. Ignore the person whose email id you want to know.
3. Now logout from your orkut account.
4. Open your Gtalk with the same email account as used for logging to your orkut account.
5. Go to settings in Gtalk.
6. Next to Blocked option.
7. Here you will see the email id of the required person.

Enjoy this trick.

How to send self destructive videos by email.

Sometimes we want to send some videos to somebody, which should be shown only once to the receiver. And we want to destruct these videos just after the some views. So that these videos cannot be used further by the receiver in other ways.
For this purpose, there is web service named mailVU which helps to send your private videos to the receiver by email. These videos sent through email message can destruct after a number of views or time fixed by the sender. These videos will work in all the major browsers or mobile phones. So this web service can be used to send your personal videos to your friends on the special occasions like birthdays, marriages and special moments etc.

Windows XP Tips & Tricks :- How to remove blue shadow behind Desktop icons

Sometimes the shadow behind the desktop icons looks very odd. Due to this shadow your desktop does not looks fresh. It is common problem having the shadows behind the desktop icons. Although it is very simple to remove this blue shadow yet most of computer users do not know the steps to remove this. There are following two methods for doings so:- 
First method:-  
        1.    Go to desktop by pressing window key along with R
        2.    Right click on desktop
        3.    Arrange icons by >Lock web items on desktop,
               make it unchecked> OK
        4.    Right click on desktop
        5.    Properties>desktop
        6.    Click on customize
        7.    Select web tab
        8.    Uncheck all the options in the web page box
        9.    Uncheck Lock desktop items
       10.   Press OK for going to the desktop.
  Second method:-
        1. Go to control panel
        2. System
        3. Advanced
        4. Performance area
        5. Settings
        6. Visual effects
        7. Select “use drop shadow for icon labels on desktop” if is unchecked
        8. Apply and finally OK
If the above said two methods do not work, try this method

  Third Method: -
        1. Go to desktop by pressing the window key along with the R
        2. Right click on the desktop.
        3. Select Arrange icon by.
        4. Uncheck the option Lock web items on desktop.

I hope this method will surely work for you to remove the shadow behind the desktop icons.
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How to make sketch from digital photos

It will be very funny and interesting to create sketch from your digital photos. By doing so, you can fulfill you desires as an artist. For this purpose there is a sketch from photo software on the internet to sketch digital photos named Fotosketche software. You can create sketches of portraits, photographs of your home, beautiful landscapes, paintings, cartoons or drawings in just seconds. You can surprise your relatives or friends on the occasions of their birthdays or seasonal greetings presenting these sketches to them. You can also hang these sketches to on the walls of your home.

Multiple facebook accounts with single email

Hello Friends,
It is possible to create multiple facebook accounts with single email account. If you have gmail or yahoo email account, you can use this trick.
The fact behind this trick is that gmail and Yahoo ignores the dot (.) and plus (+) signs in the email addresses. Due to this fact the following email addresses are same for gmai or yahoo:-
In this way you can insert dot (.) or plus (+) sign in the email addresses to creat multiple facebook accounts.
Just sign up for facebook account and provide your email id by putting above said signs in it.
So enjoy this nice trick with your single gmail or yahoo email id to create multiple facebook accounts.

How to remove Recycle Bin from desktop.

When you delete any file or data from your computer, this file is moved to the Recycle Bin. Also you have to delete this file from Recycle Bin to remove it permanently. This is very time consuming process. Also sometime you delete a file which you don't want to show anybody due to some privacy issues. Unfortunately you forgot to delete this file from Recycle Bin and somebody has found this file. You feel very frustrated at this time.
To overcome this problem you can remove Recycle Bin from desktop so that the deleted files can be deleted permanently automatically. These are the following steps to remove Recycle Bin from desktop:-
1. Press window key together with R.
         2. Write regedit and press enter.
          3. Run Regedit
         4. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/Microsoft/ Windows/CurrentVersion/ explorer/Desktop/NameSpace
         5. Click on the "Recycle Bin" from right hand pane.
         6. Click on delete
         7. Press OK
      That is done the Recycle Bin will be removed from the desktop.

Youtube Tips and Tricks :- How to load Youtube videos faster.

Image representing YouTube as depicted in Crun...

Generally when somebody starts to play any Youtube video on any slow internet connection, it loads lot of codes and some other settings with itself which makes this video very heavy and your favorite video take very long time to play as the page loads very slowly.

To overcome this problem the YouTube has declared a version called Youtube Feather beta, which removes all the unnecessary options, sharing options and codes to make the page lighter. Also this version uses the advanced code to reduce page download size so it loads much faster in spite of your slow internet connection. So what are you waiting just try the YouTube feather beta version to feel the difference.


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