When you delete any file or data from your computer, this file is moved to the Recycle Bin. Also you have to delete this file from Recycle Bin to remove it permanently. This is very time consuming process. Also sometime you delete a file which you don't want to show anybody due to some privacy issues. Unfortunately you forgot to delete this file from Recycle Bin and somebody has found this file. You feel very frustrated at this time.
To overcome this problem you can remove Recycle Bin from desktop so that the deleted files can be deleted permanently automatically. These are the following steps to remove Recycle Bin from desktop:-
1. Press window key together with R.
2. Write regedit and press enter.
3. Run Regedit
4. Go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/ SOFTWARE/Microsoft/ Windows/CurrentVersion/ explorer/Desktop/NameSpace
5. Click on the "Recycle Bin" from right hand pane.
6. Click on delete
7. Press OK
That is done the Recycle Bin will be removed from the desktop.
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