Sometimes the shadow behind the desktop icons looks very odd. Due to this shadow your desktop does not looks fresh. It is common problem having the shadows behind the desktop icons. Although it is very simple to remove this blue shadow yet most of computer users do not know the steps to remove this. There are following two methods for doings so:-
First method:-
1. Go to desktop by pressing window key along with R
2. Right click on desktop
3. Arrange icons by >Lock web items on desktop,
make it unchecked> OK
make it unchecked> OK
4. Right click on desktop
5. Properties>desktop
6. Click on customize
7. Select web tab
8. Uncheck all the options in the web page box
9. Uncheck Lock desktop items
10. Press OK for going to the desktop.
Second method:-
1. Go to control panel
2. System
3. Advanced
4. Performance area
5. Settings
6. Visual effects
7. Select “use drop shadow for icon labels on desktop” if is unchecked
8. Apply and finally OK
If the above said two methods do not work, try this method
Third Method: -
1. Go to desktop by pressing the window key along with the R
2. Right click on the desktop.
3. Select Arrange icon by.
4. Uncheck the option Lock web items on desktop.
I hope this method will surely work for you to remove the shadow behind the desktop icons.
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